Building A Business

Sunday, March 19, 2006

So, let's get to it.

Many a warm summers evening has and will continue to be spent in this place of refuge. A sanctuary hidden away from the world that lives just through those gates. And although it is still March and still very cold in that very spot, it won't be bare and cold for much longer.

We live in Southern Ontario Canada, where the summer humidity can cause some great uncomfort if you're neither experenced in it or ready for it. We, my lovely lass and I, love it and, live for it.

In Canada, summer month weather can be as extreme as the weather in the winter months. We roll the dice and live with what awaits us as we walk out into it. When it's excessively warm, you hide in the shade durning the day and lay out in the yard at night.
As a kid I'd remember laying on my bed, no reconditioned air conditioner to lull you to sleep, only the wish for that slight cooling breeze that seemed to take forever to arrive but when it did your eyes would slowly close and you'd be off to dreamland.

The weather in Southern Ontario is not the reason for this blog, or the reason for any other blog, for that matter. The reason for this blog is to document the starting of a new business. A business that was spawn from that very spot, or near enough to get the drift. My lovely lass and I have decided to go into business manufacturing and marketing concrete garden designs.

I'm sure you're saying to yourself, excuse me, but, isn't there enough of that shit around already, and you may be right, what's out there is shit. We have decided to take my lovely lass's, who will be in future referred to as 'MLL', unique designs and see how far we can run with them. Though running with them is out of the question because they are made of concrete and walking to and loading into the car makes better sense.

So, the name of the business will be Concrete Garden, I'm working on a web site which will be linked to this so our documantation will be so noted, the good and the bad.


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